Taking Dominion – Justin Taylor Robert Sagers: What does it mean to be a man of dominion? Mark Chanski: A man of dominion seeks to boldly subdue and rule over the circumstances of his life, instead of passively permitting the circumstances of his life to subdue and rule over him. He dominates his environment instead of letting his environment dominate him. The cornerstone passage is the Dominion Mandate found in Genesis 1:28 , the Lord’s first recorded words to his image bearing creatures: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over everything living that moves on the earth.” God had just taken the chaos of a formless and void world, and in the space of six days, fashioned it into an orderly and “very good” creation. An image bearing man of dominion imitates his God. He subdues (brings into bondage, makes to serve him by force) and rules ...